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tv   ABC 7 News at Noon  ABC  December 10, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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captioned by the national captioning institute >> live and in hd, this is abc 7 news at noon. >> tragedy on a metro bus after a shooting least a woman dead. >> the mother had just gotten on when someone opened fire and killed her. the search is on for the suspect. >> d.c. police are back out here on the scene. they are making sure they did
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not miss anything. they have been literally going through the leaves here with metal detectors trying to find any new clues. this is the this young mother was shot and killed. -- bus tstop where this young mother was shot and killed. >> police did not find the gun used to kill a young mother on this city bus. >> they were standing there talking. everybody started walking off. we heard one gunshot. everybody started running. >> more shots followed. she was waiting to board the bus. moments later from the street, at the suspect of loaded a barrage of bullets. >> maybe he wanted to take the child with him and she did not want him to go with him at? -- her to go with him? >> she was targeted and died
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here on the scene. her 23 month old baby girl was also wounded. a >> there is no excuse for it. >> this man says they suspect is well known in this neighborhood. >> he is from our area. you have got to be kidding>> the police chief is praising the 65 year old driver for protecting the other passengers but quickly driving off. >> the bus was under fire appeared he tried to get the bus and passengers to safety. >> the little girl was grazed in the face but it is expected to survive. she's being treated at children's hospital. in southeast washington, john gonzales, abc 7 news. >> a disappointing day for redskins fans. the hit uponrgon rg iii knee.
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it was the moment in yesterday's game that left many redskins fans breathless. >> the good news is the team announced last night that there was no fracture or tear in their star quarterbacks any. they say it is just a sprain. >> it is high pretended for dick hyperextended. >-- it is a hyperextended. >> she says the fact that he was able to walk off the field is a good sign. she says how bad the sprain is he the play on sunday but he will likely be sore and have to wear a brace. >> he can play on it but the healing process will be 6-8 weeks. it does not mean he cannot play. >> some football fans say even if he feels like he can play, the best thing for the coaches to do is arrest him. >> i think they should sit him down for a week or so. if that think swells up, you
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will not be able to move around. >> he thinks they should go up with the backup quarterback. >> i would be nervous. >> barack phillips disagrees. he say -- rob phillips disagrees. he says he did a great job this weekend. >> there are right on the tail of the giants. i think we need to give it their best shot. >> mike shanahan is expected to update the condition as well as his status for sunday at his weekly news conference which is this afternoon. we will be there and tim brant will have all of your update at abc 7 is at 5:00. >> all right. penn state is getting ready to start paying for the jerry sandusky child sex abuse scandal. next week the university will make the first of five annual
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$12 million payment equal to the yearly surplus from their athletic programs. they receive that fine after it the investigation into the jerry sandusky scandal. the money will go to help fight child abuse. >> a member of the elite field 6 has been killed according to pentagon officials. it happened saturday night during a daring rescue mission. it is not clear how many special forces troops participated but the team felt it cannot wait any longer to get joe said. the >> it is very difficult terrain. it is very dark. this is a team that has had lot s of training on hostage rescues. until you get in there, you never know you're going to find. >> he was captured last wednesday. to the workers were later released. >> one person is dead after
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being hit by a car earlier this morning in loudoun county. this happened around 4:00 by davenport drive appeared in and was trying to cross the street. because of the fog the driver did not say him -- seehim. -- see him because. of the fog united airlines is offering refunds. it is only permitted if your flight is canceled or delayed by two hours. they did >> the bachus finally begun clearing. it is giving -- clouds finally have began clearing. it is giving way. >> the fog has been slow to let. this is a time lapse. if you look at the bottom of your screen, you can see the
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ridge of the potomac. we still have lingering fog all across the area. it is not as bad thaas it was. look at hagerstown. frederick is about 2.5. we are still pretty gloomy. 58 degrees. our two leaders have been incredibly warm. we could hit a record -- our timber chirrs have been incredibly warm. we could still hit a record this afternoon. -- our temperatures have been incredibly warm. we could still hit a record this afternoon. your expressed forecast for today. if you could see if you hit of sunshine. the showers are expected by late continuing into tonight. we will head back to you with the 70 forecast that is sunnier
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and cooler. >> that sounds good. a federal grand jury looking into more in the district. >> the investigation centers are on a $38 million lottery contract. authorities are looking for evidence of bribery and illegal contract steering. numerous officials are under scrutiny. the investigation could be one of the largest because of how many people are involved. >> which is 22 days away until the nation hit the fiscal cliff president obama is hitting the road. he is headed to detroit where he will talk to auto workers about the dangers of failing to reach a deal. he caught a lot of heat for the campaign style approach. there are some signs. john boehner and president obama met at the white house where they have their first face-to-
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face meeting since before thanksgiving. judges are expected to rule whether theto turn with the poorest neighborhoods into a tourist parking lot. the city party parts hundreds of school buses there. and they say more buses would have a bad effect on air quality. >> talking now about the world's most talk about presidency, and the duchess of cambridge is battling another round of acute morning sickness. she was released from the hospital last week after suffering from dehydration and nausea. despite her illness she is trying to keep her spirits up. >> a prank phone call at a london hospital ended with one nurse apparently taking her life. the djs behind the caller speaking out. >> australian deejays to sprinkle the london hospital
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where kate middleton was being treated can out of hiding, offering a tearful apology on channel 9 television. >> i am heartbroken. >> the fact that we may have a good day part in that is gary shame. >> they made a call to the hospital pertaining to the queen elizabeth and prince charles and asking about the condition. the nurse who answered the call put them through to kate gruen. >> can i speak to kate please? >> the host say they never imagined they would get through. >> it was just something that was fun and light hearted. it was a tragic turn of events that i do not think anyone could have predicted. >> she was found dead friday morning, a victim of a suspected suicide. >> we found out about the same
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time. >> the global backlash has been fierce. no deal time is likely. >> i do not think there will be any serious prosecution. it to be tough to link the actual death to the prank. you can link it as a moral matter but as a legal matter there should be a level of force the ability -- forseeability. that is a tough linked to make. >> the team as been pulled off the air indefinitely. >> coming up next on abc 7 news, good news for all the last- minute holiday shoppers. a department store pulling out all of the stops for the procrastinators. >> the violence between gaza and israel has died down. now there is a new kind of
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trouble. >> an iconic figure of international peace still in a hospital. what doctors are saying about the 94-year-old nelson mandela. >> we will have the nicest of days out there. look at
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>> the government accused of opening fire in a colorado movie theaters expected to appear in court. james holmes was supposed to be held last month but was postponed because have to be taken to the hospital. he is facing murder and attempted murder charges connected to the delight shooting which killed 12 people and wounded 58 others. >> the ntsb will be helping with
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an investigation that killed jeaninnny rivera. it crashed minutes after takeoff. none survived. she sold 20 million albums after her career. she also starred in the reality television show. she leaves behind five children. she was 43 years old. >> a nelson mandela remains hospitalized. he is doing very well according to south africa's defense minister. >> here he is at his home several years ago. he has been in the hospital for three days. he is undergoing medical tests. she would not elaborate. statements say that he "is in good hands." it has been two weeks since fighting ended between israel and hamas that lie in the gaza strip is still far from normal.
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by some estimates it will cost as much as $1.5 million to rebuild homes and workplaces. the government says it does not yet know where it will get the money. officials are hoping that other countries will step in to help. >> unbelievable destruction. it is difficult to look at. the weather is pretty tolerable today. >> other than the fog. it is one of those warnings that is hard to get up. >> it is so -- morning's that is so hard to get up. >> it is so dreary. this is a good camera from oakdale high school. you can see how overcast it was. we have a live picture to show you from fairfax. this is a blue sky. a little bit of sunshine trying to break up. it will destabilize the atmosphere and helped to trigger
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some showers and thunderstorms later on this afternoon. here is the coal from you can see off to the west. moisture is coming in. this will provide the lift we need in the atmosphere to trigger that action and cooler temperatures will follow. if you did not like the start this morning we do have some sunshine in the 7 day forecast. 58 degrees. when you're to mature and to point a very close together, it that is when the -- temperatures and the dew. are close together that is when the fog happens. before in manassas. it is likely you could reach or be today's record high of 67 degrees. our record low this morning was 48. that is where our average is.
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this afternoon we do expect to see the highs in the mid and upper 60's. look at the warm air. boston up to 60 degrees. here is cold air on the backside. only 11 in minneapolis with a record snow yesterday of 10.5 inches. we do have plenty of cloudiness. are cold front should be moving in -- our cold front should be moving in. do not rush were you need to go. i think the roadways will be white. showers are continuing through tonight and cloudiness through tomorrow. here is your forecast. mostly cloudy skies. even some thunderstorms late today. for tonight, a few showers will be cloudy. check out your 7 day forecast.
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we should try it up especially by the afternoon. -- driving it up by a -- dry it up by the afternoon. we are about 8 inches down since january. no measurable rain since june. >> you can tell as you drive around. >> thank you. we appreciate it. vincent gray is getting ready to unveil some changes to the city's taxicab fleet appeared he is proposing four color schemes. the modernization law requires that all of d.c. cabs be the same color. the city is one to let you get involved in the selection process, having you choose your favorite color scheme. >> gas prices have been great news. they have fallen 46 cents per
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gallon over the last few months. they attribute the drop to refinery problems. they were being fixed as seasonal demand was shrinking. thesome gas stations in charlottesville even had regular unleaded for as long as $2.92 a gallon. pretty incredible. >> fedex says today is likely to be its biggest day of the year. we got a behind the scenes look as they get ready to move about 19 million packages today alone. that is almost twice the number from 2005. those of you who like to wait until the last minute, if you want your packages delivered on time they need to be in the mail by december 17. circle the calendar. >> coming up, we have a very special guest in the newsroom this morning. there you see old st. nick. he stopped by with a message on
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>> since at coming to town in a couple of weeks. he made an early visit to the channel 8 studio. >> we saw him predicting the
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weather. he let viewers know that they're letting the reindeer rest in their trading the slate for a tour bus tonight. -- and they are trading be sl eigh for a tour bus tonight. >> we want you to come to macy's and bring your letter and put it in our letter box. for every letter that goes in the box macy's donate $1 to make a wish. >> is that he full of cheer? i love it. -- isn't he volunteered? i love it. >> all the macy's are pulling out the stops for holiday shoppers. all macy's department stores across the country will be open for 48 straight hours. they are hoping that the move will attract a bigger chunk of
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america's holiday spending. consumers are expected to drop about $586 billion this year.
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>> the nice temperatures will be moving out. >> enjoy the warmth today.
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